Recently, I have begun to draw parallels between rearing kids and fostering/raising parrots. I don't do this to minimize or marginalize parenthood. I am definitely still a parent and it is the hardest job ever. I love it almost 99% of the time! The same is true about parrot rescue and parrot ownership. Sadly we have all been led astray with the "fairy tale" version of bird ownership. You know the one...the bird instantly loves you, never poops on you, loves everyone it meets, never gets hormonal, never bites and has a vocabulary of 1000 words. Your neighbors never hear the bird or they think that his/her evening calls are like sweet music. <queue the violins here for a crescendo> The bird lives sixty years and you both pass gently away together, ending the perfect bird/human relationship. WAKE UP!!! That just doesn't happen! Birds are unique creatures, each with their own personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Just like toddlers, they have good days and bad days. Recently my Jardines parrot has been in a "mood". I have been very busy, my mom was in the hospital, we had new parrots come into the rescue, my daughter had the nerve to sound like me (which got her bitten.) My son, Michael, happened to catch Jasmine biting me for the first time in years. He was shocked and offended! "You have fed her since she was a baby, you clean her cage, you take her outside, she gets to eat near the dinner table. She doesn't even realize how good she has it." I wish I could have recorded that, seriously. I stared at him a minute and I said, "everyone has a bad day once in awhile and Jasmine is just tired of me right now." He paused a minute, looked at me and said, "Your bird just isn't into you right now? Is that what you mean? That's kind of pathetic, mom. You and the birds are making me crazy." He strolled down the hall to the kitchen where he proceeded to eat the food that I had made and put out.
Jasmine my Amazing Jardines |
Just as I don't take it personally when my teenagers/young adults say thoughtless things (with no malice intended); I try not to take it personally when one of the birds that live with me are having a bad day. The good Lord knows I have had plenty of them. Sometimes, just sometimes, I get tired of certain people too.
I have seen birds end up in rescue because their owners are convinced that the birds no longer "loves" them. This is so sad. All parrots and people go through seasons (hormonal and otherwise). Try to remember, it's not always personal. Your love-bug might have gotten up on the wrong side of the perch. Hormones may be raging through your bird that would make a teenager's hormones look tame. Sometimes birds are getting sick or having a physical problem that they are masking and their only communication option is to act like a jerk. If this has happened to you or you feel like it is happening, reach out to other bird people for help, ideas and encouragement! Don't give up! Even when it hard and all the birds are throwing their expensive, organic fruit and veggies on the floor like its the worst food ever (which two of mine are doing right this minute!) Start asking questions, watch for clues, because maybe it's just not about you.