Life as a foster home for parrots in need. The trials and joys of helping rescue, rehabilitate and re-home some amazing birds.
Monday, September 24, 2012
God Bless My Husband...he isn't even a bird person!
Hmmm Monday. Last night my husband and I spent two hours cleaning around the birds and all that jazz. Some climb out on top of their cage and others lean off the side trying to eat my husband. No one tries to eat me. I definitely feel guilty about that. My husband has swept, mopped and chiseled bird poop off our tile and wooden floors. He has reached in and changed paper when every bird is glaring, pinning their eyes and screaming at him. I couldn't love him more than when he is "pretend" grumping about the birds. He goes in the main bird room and starts fussing, "this room is a mess, who taught you to use a food bowl? why is there shredded paper in the corner - you are on hormone shots, knock that off!". The birds immediately respond with lots of drama because he has the vacuum and they aren't all that fond of it. I have some health issues and he always steps up (with my daughter) to make sure the birds have everything they need.
It may seem like changing paper and wiping down cages isn't that much but those of you with birds know that it is. My husband is also majorly in love with our Goffin's Lulu. She is the most mischievous bird we own. All our birds are flighted (except foster birds) and Lulu is the queen of our airways. She is the most skilled flier and has a lot of fun doing "fly bys" on the other birds who aren't as skilled. She had
to be clipped once in the last six years and my husband was so horrified. He kept telling me that she was depressed and unfulfilled. He made me promise to never do it again. He laughs at all her bad behavior...this is why I am glad we did not have a late in life baby! This is Lulu after raiding the syringes I was sterilizing and promptly destroying them. I prefer to think she was contemplating whether I needed medicating.
Picture to follow. Lulu doing her worst!
Pardon the very personal nature of this post but my husband deserved a little shout out!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Parrots don't get the whole - My mom is in the hospital
The parrots have been rather irritated this week because I have been up at the hospital with my mother a good portion of the time. Now, don't for a minute think that this means they haven't had hot breakfast, treats, popcorn, and other delicious food options. They have also had toys, foot toys, videos and company from my daughter. I am still getting the stink eye when I walk by. I have explained several times the situation but all I get is the birdie version of, "so? how does impact me? where is my oatmeal?".
As I was sweeping late last night, I glanced behind me to find Lulu Goofy Goffin digging food out of her dish and pitching it out one little foot full at a time. Poppy the Grey was in the corner of her cage glaring at me and Old Man (our old rescue Goffins) was just screaming at me every time I opened my mouth.
This story has a happy ending...the birds are well cared for and will eventually get over their irritation with me. It is, however, a cautionary tale about Parrot's expectations and love of routine. I have help and support and a large family to help with my mom and my birds. I cannot imagine what people do with health crises and no assistance. This is one of the core reasons that we receive birds into the rescue. Change in circumstances (whatever they may be) that lead the owner to realize they cannot do it all. This week I am having some serious compassion for those former owners - it really is hard sometimes.
Sometimes I want to simplify my opinions on why people give up birds; I have to acknowledge though that one reason is simply that we are only human and we don't always have the help or support we need to make it through trying circumstances.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Yay it's Friday!! Wait, I Still Have to Work on the Weekend.
Yep, a central truth of birds in general is that they don't know the concept of weekend unless it just means a little more face time with you. I forgot that for a really short minute this morning while I was surveying the carnage in the bird room. I swept it last night before I covered them. This morning it was already decorated with pellet, toy parts, paper and water. I hadn't even uncovered them yet!!! How do they get this out from under their sheets?? I think it is a coordinated effort to remind me that wake up time is not to be ignored. They keep a close eye on the clock (their internal clock!). So, oatmeal, apple, banana and cinnamon is delivered and my Goffin's Lulu and the Half Moon Conure decided they weren't into that today, so they launched it out at me. Lovely. Trust me, you don't want to try and scrape off dried oatmeal from the floor or cage - Nearly Impossible!
Am I only one who feels guilt over date night with the hubby? I feel like I come home and they all give me the stink eye. It's important to have time away from the critters though, for me and for them! Do you have any weekend stories about your birdies or the early alarm birdie call? Share them with us!
This is my Half Moon, Looney Mooney. One of the messiest birds I know!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Crazy is as Crazy Does
ARGHHHHHH!!! Whew! Got it out. Now back to the normalcy of life. or not. This morning is another morning of I wish I had gotten up an hour earlier. By the time everyone was uncovered, treated (with a nutriberry), told how amazing they were and then medicated, I was already behind. Then I brewed coffee in the Keurig without a K-cup inside so I got hot water and no coffee. Rinse, repeat - get real coffee. Cook long grain wild rice, veggies, cinnamon, oatmeal, pureed fruit and mix it all together. Get that delivered to the birds, while talking to my daughter who is headed out the door to her college classes. Still have to jump in the shower and get ready to take my mother to the doctor. Hmmm, how to also spritz the feather pullers??? Yep they are going in the shower with me to get lots of steam and kill two bi--- Yikes!!! Got a little carried away with the figurative language.
I know I am running around like a wild woman and I feel like Kovak (cone head) African Gray is staring at me like I am really not all there. You know, that stare they have that makes you feel inferior. I can only imagine his mental dialogue.
"Wow, Carole is totally out of control this morning. She hasn't even brushed her hair yet. I think those are the shorts she had on yesterday. The dog is still running around wearing his leash. She isn't even calling everyone by the right name. I prefer my name to be pronounced with a russian accent but all I've gotten today is KOOOvack in a very southern drawl. Hmphhh! Where are my veggies? Where? Oops, she didn't get to the phone in time. Here comes the cell phone call...wait for it, wait for it...yes! Now she can't find the cell phone. Ahhh, the amusement provided by the humans..they just can't seem to relax. Ummm, where is my rice?"
Well, must run friends - I am almost late to pick up my mom. Oops, where is my coffee??
Monday, September 10, 2012
If you prefer, you can call the veterinarian and donate directly. Just tell the front desk that you are calling to make a donation to "Surgery for Smokey." The phone number is 904-256-0043, the Exotic Bird Hospital.
Anger. Questions. What is wrong with people? We received a call from someone who wanted us to take a lame budgie. I won't bore you with details but when the bird was taken in, it had been attacked and had two mangled feet. The injuries were old enough that skin had healed around an exposed bone on his foot. We were horrified. The woman who surrendered her to us couldn't even remember the bird's name and had to call her son to get the name. Every nuance of this woman's actions make me sick and angry. Just because you can purchase a budgie for less than 20 dollars does not mean that they are disposable! This little bird was suffering for several weeks! The vet found three areas in his feet with exposed bone. Our bird vet is attempting to trim the exposed (dead) bone and create a semblance of a flat foot for the bird to use to stand on. Additionally, there will be a toe amputated and some other corrections. This bird, even with all its injuries, was trying to chirp and whistle this morning while we were on the way to the vet. What a will to live!! I feel like making it this far qualifies the little guy for some serious Rocky music. Photos to follow.
animal rescue,
dog attack,
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Am I that "crazy bird lady"?
Okay, several of my kids, nieces and nephews have jokingly called me "crazy bird lady" over the years but recently my mother called me something similar. I think her phrase was "one of those people". She meant well, I think she was trying to encourage me but it really made me think. Is that how people really see me? I have had my own parrots and taken in others that were "special" and couldn't find a home. Now, I foster birds and bird sit when asked. Deciding how many birds are too many is a topic that is ongoing with many rescues here in the U.S.
So how many birds are too many birds? I have my personal opinion on this - it depends on the size of the home and the hours available to provide the kind of care and attention each parrot in the home needs. In other words, it isn't written in stone but it does have some boundaries. I was surprised to find out that some other bird people didn't agree with me. Some have told me that as long as the birds have clean cages, fresh food and water that the number of birds shouldn't matter. I'm not sure I agree with that. I am not talking about large sanctuaries or rescues that have on site facilities with many helpers. I am simply talking about people's homes.
Just to be clear - I am not saying that I judge people who have ten birds in their house (or whatever number) but I am saying that I think there probably is a limit to the quality of life that we can provide once the number of birds reaches a certain place. I guess that is why I think it is so important to promote fostering and have as many foster homes available as you can.
Right now, barring some emergency, I am at my personal limit. I have eight birds in the house (one is a temporary guest). Again, I am not saying what each person's limit is -- I am just saying that there is one.
So how many birds are too many birds? I have my personal opinion on this - it depends on the size of the home and the hours available to provide the kind of care and attention each parrot in the home needs. In other words, it isn't written in stone but it does have some boundaries. I was surprised to find out that some other bird people didn't agree with me. Some have told me that as long as the birds have clean cages, fresh food and water that the number of birds shouldn't matter. I'm not sure I agree with that. I am not talking about large sanctuaries or rescues that have on site facilities with many helpers. I am simply talking about people's homes.
Just to be clear - I am not saying that I judge people who have ten birds in their house (or whatever number) but I am saying that I think there probably is a limit to the quality of life that we can provide once the number of birds reaches a certain place. I guess that is why I think it is so important to promote fostering and have as many foster homes available as you can.
Right now, barring some emergency, I am at my personal limit. I have eight birds in the house (one is a temporary guest). Again, I am not saying what each person's limit is -- I am just saying that there is one.
Jasmine (one of my flock) and Kovak (a temporary guest who is also a rescue bird).. |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Mess, thy Name is Parrot
Yes, today was one of those days where I couldn't finish changing paper until the actual paper arrived. I get newspaper delivered Thursday thru Sunday and my parents give me all of their newspaper. I find it kind of funny that I could be out at a weird hour of the day or night buying a copy of God knows what newspaper because I forgot to check the stack that day.
I think I vacuumed the same room yesterday at least 10 times and then did it again today. I can almost keep up with the mess from the parrots IF (and this is a big IF) nothing out of the ordinary happens. Like my decision one day to make them birdie cornbread with lots of goodies in it and give them raspberries. Insanity! You could have fed a small country on the amount of crumbs that were launched from every cage in the house. The raspberries made the cage paper look like a crime scene with smeared red blotches and questionable smashed masses.
Mess, thy name is parrot. Photos on the way soon! Send me some photos of your parrot messes -- I am trying to remember to photo all of mine. I usually get caught up in cleaning and forget to take photos!
I think I vacuumed the same room yesterday at least 10 times and then did it again today. I can almost keep up with the mess from the parrots IF (and this is a big IF) nothing out of the ordinary happens. Like my decision one day to make them birdie cornbread with lots of goodies in it and give them raspberries. Insanity! You could have fed a small country on the amount of crumbs that were launched from every cage in the house. The raspberries made the cage paper look like a crime scene with smeared red blotches and questionable smashed masses.
Just one corner of Poppy the Grey's cage. All that happened since new paper was put in this morning. The floor around it looks pretty much the same. |
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Feds Propose Protecting Four Macaw Species as Endangered
Feds Propose Protecting Four Macaw Species as Endangered
I truly believe in protecting all our endangered species. I just don't know why we need additional regulation when these species are already listed in the CITES agreement.
I wonder how all of these regulations are going to impact rescue groups that have foster homes that cross state lines.
I truly believe in protecting all our endangered species. I just don't know why we need additional regulation when these species are already listed in the CITES agreement.
I wonder how all of these regulations are going to impact rescue groups that have foster homes that cross state lines.
Ugh! Today is Apparently Grumpy Parrot Day
I thought today was Thursday but apparently it is really "grumpy parrot" day. Well, at least for several of my birds and one of the foster birds. I try to find the joy in small things on hard days and today was no exception. I amused myself by creating a dialog for my grumpy Goffin's Cockatoo.
Me: Lulu, please put down my iPhone.
Lulu: I can't hear you, I'm eating your iPhone.
Me: Lulu, look! I have an almond!
Lulu: drops phone on couch, flies over and takes almond back to the couch and sits on the iPhone.
Me: Lulu, you know there are rescues for a reason. I give her a very stern look.
Lulu: Looks around at all the birds, the toys and treats. Yeah right mom!
Yes, she knows me well. Nobody is going anywhere but I do allow myself an occasional threat. Not that it changes anything but sometimes it does lighten the moment.
Me: Lulu, please put down my iPhone.
Lulu: I can't hear you, I'm eating your iPhone.
Me: Lulu, look! I have an almond!
Lulu: drops phone on couch, flies over and takes almond back to the couch and sits on the iPhone.
Me: Lulu, you know there are rescues for a reason. I give her a very stern look.
Lulu: Looks around at all the birds, the toys and treats. Yeah right mom!
Yes, she knows me well. Nobody is going anywhere but I do allow myself an occasional threat. Not that it changes anything but sometimes it does lighten the moment.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The Adventure Continues
Well, Madison and Kovak (who is also a rescue - more about him later) were on the back porch this morning enjoying the early morning sun. Madison is absolutely ridiculous, in a wonderful sort of way! She had her morning banana on a play stand and then proceeded to destroy an entire toy before I finished my coffee. Kovak just soaked up the sun!
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Madison putting the smack down on some toys! |
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Kovak enjoying the sun in a very dignified kind of way (even with his collar). |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Day One - Madison isn't Shy about Settling in
Madison has decided to settle in. Her first morning with me she went out back, climbed right on this gym and started chatting to the neighbors (loudly). She "hello'd" "come ere'd" and demanded that the ducks in the lake "step up!". After having been attacked by a raccoon on a porch similar to ours, I thought she would be more nervous but she took it all in stride. What a brave girl she is! More on her attack, recovery and how she came to be with Parrots as Pets over the next few days.
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